• Temperament


    are rare breed sheep originating from Arapawa Island in the Marlborough Sounds of New Zealand.

    They are hardy, intelligent and attractive sheep with very fine, soft and bouncy fleeces which are typically 16-24 micron and they come in a range of colours from our stud.

    The meat is very lean and sweet making it ideal for people wanting to reduce fat in their diet.

    Photo above shows Crepe Suzette with her twins Pancake & Pikelet.


    from black to spotty and virtually everything inbetween!

    Some of our lovely ewes

    Pancake on left, Sprocket (wether) on right
    showing some of the colour range in the Arapawa breed.

    Lambs are normally available for purchase from August onwards.

  • RAMS

    We current run 3 adult rams producing a variety of colours: black, golden and highly spotty lambs.

    Photo above shows the spotty chaps after shearing!

    Pikelet - he is our main ram, see the photo at the left with the twins, he is the one on the right hand side of his mum Crepe Suzette. His twin Pancake is one of our favourites.

    Parfait - he carries lots of white and produces beautiful spotted lambs

    Latte - Latte produces beautiful golden coloured lambs with fine fleeces.


    We produce 3 delicious colours:

    Rich Dark Chocolate

    Golden Manuka Honey

    Limited Edition Vanilla Icecream

    Contact us for pricing and availability